Going on 12 years in the Millsmont neighborhood

Looking for other contributors to this Millsmont-inspired blog....

Monday, July 26, 2010

We need a name for our blighted hillside

The other day I ran into our Fire Suppression District Inspector, David J. Davis. We talked about the problem hillside, a landslide area that encompasses several lots, and is slowly sliding down the hill to the lower segment of Buena Ventura. It gets so overgrown that the view of San Francisco is practically obliterated. A citation seems to incentivize the owner(s) to get it all cut down. But months during the growing season and before the late spring inspections, it is an impassable mass of weeds, not even penetrable by my dog. Our inspector was pleased to see it trimmed down to the ground, and had stopped to take a look on the way to another area. The idea is not to impose fines (though that is a possibility) but just to see that owners are making progress towards control of their vegetation. (But they don't have to know that!!) We talked about his black labrador and the pros and cons of getting a second dog, and then I continued with my dog walk. If you see an egregious violation in the neighborhood, call 510-238-239 or email djdavis@oaklandnet.com

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Estero sunset

Originally uploaded by Miwok.
By a favorite photographer from Pt. Reyes

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Shining City on the Hill

It was a winter day when there is a particular clarity of atmosphere, allowing one to see far across the bay to San Francisco from our hill in Oakland, while the brooding clouds hover over the city. The lit up city contrasts with the dark flats of Oakland in the foreground. A ray of sun lit up one tower of the Golden Gate Bridge.