Going on 12 years in the Millsmont neighborhood

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Quality Donuts

Everyone who lives in Millsmont should know about Quality Donuts. This is the only shop within walking distance except for Seminary Gas. It's a stop for people going to work on 73rd Street/Hegenberger, and for a while there, it was a daily stop for Roxanne and I and Yuki. Since it's on the opposite side of the neighborhood, it makes a good goal (except for the calories part). On this day, we had Elizabeth and Yuki's boyfriend, Henry. Notice Henry waited patiently for us to emerge with a donut scrap, and Yuki is captured here in full bark mode. It took a few weeks, but now she also will wait patiently for me to emerge from the shop and give her a crumb of my favorite, a plain old-fashioned. In my opinion, that's the only thing to order here, but Roxanne enjoyed chocolate covered and buttermilk donuts. The last time I stopped in, the dear lady behind the counter asked after "my friend." She sent warm wishes back with me.

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